
Oct 30, 20182 min

What dads need to know about early pregnancy

Out daddy blogger Parm and his lovely partner ‘J’ are safely into the second trimester of pregnancy, but he explains how the early months can be a big learning curve for dads-to-be too.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Discovering that we have a new baby on the way has been so exciting, but what the text books don’t always tell us dads-to-be is how our partner’s behaviour, habits and preferences change – and how to understand and figure out how best to handle them.

A lot of the things that J and I have experienced are totally normal – so nothing to worry about, except how to understand and respond sympathetically. This includes:

Exhaustion – due to hormones going crazy, J has been far more tired than usual, so I’ve made an extra effort to help her take time out and regain some energy.

Sickness – a totally common occurrence and one of the first hurdles we had to cross – I wrote some tips on how to help overcome nausea HERE.

Mood swings – don’t be surprised if you find your partner snapping at the most minor things one minute and then really emotional the next. As well as the hormones rushing around their bodies, many women also have a number of anxieties going through their minds in the first few months of pregnancy. The best advice I can give is to stay calm and not take anything personally. Handle with care – and try to show patience, love and understanding. You’ll turn that anger into a hug in no time.

Sore breasts – awkward topic … but for most ladies (apparently!) true. Men probably don’t appreciate that in early pregnancy particularly, breasts become very sensitive, bordering on painful, so hands-off guys! and be wary of contact. We have found that well-fitting maternity bras and night-time support bras help a lot and there are also creams available which help to

Daddy blogger Parm

soothe the area.

Random hunger – don’t be surprised to find your partner propped up at the end of the bed at 3 am contemplating what she can eat! For the sake of a good night’s sleep I highly recommend keeping a supply of breakfast bars or nuts next to the bed to help keep her ticking over until her next meal!

I hope this helps – and if it’s any consolation fellow dads-to-be, I can assure you that some (if not most) of these symptoms ease off by the second trimester.
